Zachary Sims


Zachary Sims joined the Snook Group in early 2022. He brings a broad level of knowledge and experience from his previous careers as financial planner and licensed mortgage loan officer where he served the veteran community.

He prides himself on being a reliable resource and a steady hand for each of the team’s clients. Whether it be assisting in a rollover from an employer retirement plan to updating beneficiaries on an existing account, Zack is glad to assist.

“Building peace of mind for our clients is my number one priority. I was raised in a single mother household and was always taught the value of a hard-earned dollar. I learned very early in life just how impactful a strong financial plan can be for the everyday American family. I have devoted my career to helping others simplify the complexities of their financial homes; something I view as the true privilege my profession.”

Zack and his fiancée reside in Central Pennsylvania where they enjoy hiking and running local trails, cooking, spending time with friends and family, coaching local youth baseball and softball programs and planning their upcoming wedding.