“We believe that when our clients achieve financial peace of mind, they are able to lead better lives.”

Federal Employees

As a federal employee, you are entitled to a wide array of benefits throughout your career and into your retirement.
Thoroughly understanding each benefit and making informed decisions are crucial for establishing a stable financial future.

Our Experience

Working with nearly 80 different agencies within the federal government, The Snook Group provides financial education and guidance to employees in all aspects of their profession. From new hires to people in their pre-retirement phase, The Snook Group helps educate and advise individual federal employees on how to reach their financial goals. Through a personalized and detailed benefits analysis, we can determine if you are on track to achieve your goals.

Your Benefits Analysis

To build a personalized financial analysis specific to you, our financial professionals will schedule an initial meeting to fully understand your financial situation, employment history, and the topics or benefits that concern you the most. Our team uses this information to both generate your projected benefits and a financial plan designed to transform your goals into actionable, achievable steps.

The Next Steps

Once your personalized analysis is complete, our financial professionals will review each page with you to answer any questions or concerns that you may have. We leverage our expertise in the federal retirement system and the current investment landscape to showcase efficient ways of implementing your plan. When you’re ready to execute, our team of support staff will step in to ensure a seamless onboarding experience.