Amanda Wolfe


Amanda Wolfe has served as the executive assistant to George Snook since 2011. Since then, she has donned a variety of hats including client onboarding, client servicing, and marketing on social media. She enjoys talking with clients and prides herself on taking care of clients’ needs in a timely manner.

“In my role, I get to schedule clients for their first appointment and watch them go through the entire, holistic process. My favorite part of my job is talking to them at the end and learning just how much our group has benefitted them. I can visually see the financial confidence our clients gain and how it comforts them.”

Amanda enjoys the versatility of being able to do a multitude of tasks as it keeps her life interesting! When she is not in the office, she enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter. She absolutely loves watching her daughter’s dance classes, hiking in the woods, fostering cats, and relaxing in Maine.